
** Copic Reviews is run solely by Brenda M.

      Here at Copic Reviews we aim to provide as much information as possible to our readers therefore use information from other websites in our posts.

      These websites are NOT affiliated with Copic Reviews in anyway and are not paying Copic Reviews to be mentioned in our posts unless stated otherwise.  They are not paying Copic Reviews and are not giving Copic Reviews any gain from mentioning them, they are being used for educational purposes only.  These purposes include criticism/reviews, additional information given that Copic Reviews cannot give in one post, sources to buy products etc.,

      Any and all images used through out the blog here on Copic Reviews are either taken by the admin (Brenda M.) herself or searched though Google.  All images taken from Google will be linked to where they were located.  Simply click on the image to be linked to the source.  Please keep in mind that some images will be edited if the post only requires part of the image.

      If you are mentioned in our posts or your image has been used and you do not wish to be mentioned or allow usage of your image please contact us at:
copicstatus@gmail.com with your concern to discuss a possible agreement or removal from the post.

      Our intention is not to hurt anyone's credibility or advertise inappropriately only to inform and educate.

Our blog background was created by Cocorini

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