Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Copic Sketch Spoils! [January]

:D I was tired of holding back so I finally did it.  I finally bought Copics from our school store!
I really didn't want the money that was a part of my tuition for books and supplies to go to markers, but I was really sad that others would go by the station of them and purchasing in my face.  I wanted to settle with possibly Ciao instead of Sketch but only Classic, Sketch, and Wide markers were available.

So about 20 minutes of looking and testing out the markers I settled on 9.  I really wanted a Black and Cool Grey but I was practicing self - restraint, maybe another time.

So without further ado here are my new markers!

It feels so nice to hold so many new markers for my collection, I have 14 markers now :D (It's not a lot but it feels like a lot to me!

  1. Robin's Egg Blue (B02)
  2. Antwerp Blue (B37)
  3. Viola (BV01)
  4. Blue Berry (BV04)
  5. Lime Green (G21)
  6. Willow (G24)
  7. Lipstick Red (R29)
  8. Coral (R35)
  9. Canary Yellow (Y02)

I have gone onto Oozak to make sure and see if they have these colors and yes they are available with an exception of R29 - this is currently on back order/pre-order - and R35 other than that all of these colors can be bought there.  I am not sure about PaigeeDraw or any other websites not counting the official Copic website.

 When I was deciding which markers to buy I tried to diversify my options.  I wanted at least one of every color (Red, Blue, Yellow) and at least one other color to blend it with.  Like I said I wasn't able to get any greys or  black, but I will go back another time for them.

Reviews for all these markers will be coming, I plan on finishing the other 5 skin tone colors that I have before starting the new colors I have.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this please contact us at:

Monday, January 19, 2015

Copic Sketch Marker - E00 (Skin White)

Before I begin I want to apologize for taking so long with this review, I have recently started college and I have tried to make that my main priority at the moment. I also want to apologize in advance for the lack of quality this review has.  Since I am reviewing a product for a well respected company who has created a big name for themselves there isn't much of anything negative to review.  Right now I can only compare the product to my expectations, I promise as I begin to grow as a reviewer and this blog expanse I will create more categories and make these review posts much more informative.

I knew that when I first started looking into what Copic marker I should buy first One marker that has been highly recommended to me was the Copic E00 marker.  It works well as a beginning shadow for skin or as a base.  I personally use it as a starter for skin shadows.

This review will be split up into  categories:
  1. Cap On vs. Cap off - Each marker has the color of the marker on the tip of the cap, we will see how it compares to the color presented on the nibs.
  2. Cap vs Paper - Here we will see how the colors on the cap compare to the color applied on paper.
  3. Final Thoughts - I will discuss any other information that I want to put out there like possible uses for the marker, if I think the name or color or misleading, etc.,
Let's begin!


Cap on vs. Cap Off

I'll admit, when I first saw this marker and took the lid off to see the nibs I was very concerned that the color I was seeing on the cap was not what I was going to get as an end result.

In the images above you can see that the color on the nibs (the second image is more accurate in color of the nib) has a more orange hue compared to the cap where the color is slightly more on the cream side. 

I late found out that the marker is actually a mix of both the cap and the color on the nibs when used on paper.

Cap vs. Paper

It's hard to see here because my lighting isn't the best but on paper the color has a slight orange/pink pigment than what is presented on the cap.  Other than that small concern the color on the paper matches almost exactly like what is shown on the cap.

 Overall the color on the cap and the color on paper match up pretty well.

Final Thoughts

E00 wasn't the color I was looking for when I purchased it, but I did find a nice use to it.  I found it blend beautifully with my other markers and now I use it as a base for shadows on skin.  A quick tip I would consider thinking about is, don't always rely on the caps when picking out colors.  I found that the caps tend to be a bit brighter that the end result.  If you don't mind that then great, but if you are really picky about your colors like me I would think about maybe buying the next brightest color in case the one you want turns out a bit darker than desired. 

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this please contact us at:

Monday, December 22, 2014

Copic Marker Review

I have decided to finally start posting the original purpose for this blog and that is reviewing Copic markers.  That past reviews were educational purposes on where to buy Copics, but now that you have your marker it's time to use them! 

These reviews are in the writing and editing process and should be available as soon as I can post them.  My goal is to have them done after Christmas or on New Years 

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this please contact us at:

Store Review: Paigee Draw

Hello! Welcome back to another store review, this time I am reviewing the online store Paigeedraw.com!

Like before this review will be categorized into 5 sections:

  1. Website/Layout (If ordered from online) - Is the website easy to navigate?
  2. Availability of Copic Markers - Does the store have a decent stock of colors and markers?
  3. Organization - How well and quickly is it to find the marker you are looking for and how simple is the check out process?
  4. Customer Service - How communicative is the customer service?  Do they keep you in the dark until you get your package? Do they let you know if your product is shipped?
  5. Delivery & Packaging - How long did the delivery take?  Is the packaging sloppy?  Are there little things that the company did to ensure you got the best service possible?
Let's get started!


PaigeeDraw is run by fellow manga artist Paige Rohrick.  Her website is almost like a blog (kind of) with a slideshow running though explaining the things she has to offer.  She runs a social website for manga artists and hosts contests.

The website is clean, and simple and all of the navigation is at the top.  This is how you will find her shop, by simply clicking the tab.  I really like how most of her media is from artwork Paige herself has drawn.  I felt that she really knew what it meant to be an artist, not someone who simply ran a shop for the heck of it.

Availability of Copic Markers

To be fair, unlike Oozak, I wasn't as overwhelmed with the selection of Copic available.  Many of the colors I was looking for only came in refills.  Whether they were out of stock or simply didn't carry that specific marker I was disappointed.  

I understand that this isn't a mass produced store but I watched Paige on her Youtube videos and the set behind her at times appeared as though she had MANY Copics available.


Simple navigation, easy directory, and a nicely placed section for featured products makes the shop's site great with organization!  I really like that on the website a kit is offered to those who wish to purchase more than one product.  The tabs are easy to follow and overall a good site.

The Copic pricing is very similar to Oozak's only the price stays at $5.24.  It's really up to you if you want to buy from here.  I see it as supporting a fellow artist.

Customer Service

I didn't order Copics for this review, however I did order a Sakura White Gelly Roll pen, It cost me about $2.00.  I had visited Paige's shop in hope of purchasing a Copic marker but like I stated before some colors were only available in refills.  I had contacted their Customer Service asking if they would have any in stock and have yet to hear from them.

My pen was ordered on December 6th and had arrived on December 20th. I do take into account that PaigeeDraw resides in Canada and I live in the United States that it will take a little while to be delivered to me.

My main concern was that I didn't hear anything from Paige or anyone about my order until it was shipped.  For a little while I thought that my order had been forgotten.  I just tried to think that I got a little used to Oozak's continuous communication that I fell cold turkey with PaigeeDraw.

Delivery and Packaging

So two days after I was contacted about my order had been shipped, my pen arrived in the mail via USPS.  Below are some image I took of the packaging.  Since it was only one item nothing too fancy was done to it.

  1. Website/Layout - 5/5
  2. Availability of Copic Markers - 3/5
  3. Organization - 5/5
  4. Customer Service - 2.5/5
  5. Delivery & Packaging - 5/5

Some food for thought, I might order from this site again, I haven't exactly decided yet.  If I do however it will be for small things like pens, paper and such, but because of the pricing of the markers Copics may not be my main priority at this shop.

If you have any questions regarding this review please leave a comment or email us at:

Friday, December 12, 2014

Store Review: Oozak.com

In a previous post I said that I had recently bought Copic makers from a website called Oozak.  Well they came in the mail and I was so excited to have them!

This review will be split up in 5 categories:

  1. Website/Layout (If ordered from online) - Is the website easy to navigate?
  2. Availability of Copic Markers - Does the store have a decent stock of colors and markers?
  3. Organization - How well and quickly is it to find the marker you are looking for and how simple is the check out process?
  4. Customer Service - How communicative is the customer service?  Do they keep you in the dark until you get your package? Do they let you know if your product is shipped?
  5. Delivery & Packaging - How long did the delivery take?  Is the packaging sloppy?  Are there little things that the company did to ensure you got the best service possible?
Let's get started!


Oozak's website is very clean and simple, nothing too fancy.  All of the products are listed on the left side of the screen in blue tabs with most of the products in alphabetical order

To be honest, the simple layout kind of threw me off.  I was so used to seeing very complex websites with slideshows and sleek layouts that seeing the homepage for the first time had me a bit skeptical.  The thing that really put me at easy was seeing the green lock on the address bar.

Availability of Copic Markers

Let me tell you, I was very overwhelmed with the amount of Copics that were available in the site!  I was so tempted to just buy them all,  I wanted all the colors.  Oozak has practically all Copic products, ranging from the markers to special Copic paper and replaceable nibs and ink.

Since I was only looking for individual Sketch markers I clicked on 'markers' in the Sketch marker section... and then commenced the strong desire to buy everything.

As you can see the markers are listed by name and are in order from light to dark.  You can also search for markers based on colors.  
On the right column the price and how many markers of that color are in stock, if the number is negative that marker is out of stock, but you can still 'purchase' it you will just be listed as 'pre-order'


Overall the organization is great!  I found the tab and the markers I was looking for with ease.  The checkout process is also very self-explanatory and pretty easy to follow.

There are two things I will suggest though.  The prices on the website says each marker is $5.24, however if you create a free account, which only requires an email and password, the prices will drop to $4.99.  Also I do discourage buying one marker at a time.  Since each marker is $4.99 (with account) you have to include tax as well.  My tax was about $3 to $4 dollars. I had bought one marker separately because I forgot to add it to my order and the total came to about $8.30.  What I had not realized was that if I had added that one marker to my order (which included 2 other markers - the price came to about $14) I would have only paid about $19 or so instead of $21 for two separate orders.  Since I haven't bought sets yet I can't really compare that to individuals.

Just some food-for-thought!

Customer Service

I really appreciated how in touch this company kept with me.  Like most, when you place an order you get an automatic email saying thank you for the purchase and a small details about how much you paid and a rough estimate when the package should arrive.

The entire time I was waiting for my markers to arrive, I received an email from them with even greater detail about me order.

I think I just liked knowing that they had received my order and knowing that they were working on it since I didn't have confidence with them at first.

Delivery & Packaging

My package took about 3 days to arrive which is pretty quick compared to other times I have ordered something online.  My mistake waiting for the markers was thinking that it would be delivered through UPS.  When the emails clearly said USPS so when my mom tossed my something I kind of lost my mind.  I was so excited!

The packaging wasn't fancy but it was sealed very well making it slightly difficult to open with my hands.

This is what the markers where boxed in.  On the side it also told me how many markers were in the box itself.

There are two ways to open the box.  One would be the tab as shown above and there is also a removable strip along the center that can be torn off.

What's really nice about Oozak was not only did they send me reminders about my order, like the total cost and the amount I had purchased, but inside the package was a small receipt. 

  1. Website/Layout - 4/5
  2. Availability of Copic Markers - 5/5
  3. Organization - 5/5
  4. Customer Service - 5/5
  5. Delivery & Packaging - 5/5
To end with this review, I highly recommend Oozak.  It is cheap and affordable and they are very quick with their deliveries.  This could also include that my state is literally neighbors with Michigan which might explain why mine got to me quickly.   I do want to say this though, Oozak clearly states on their website that they cannot send Copic markers outside North America, the Caribbean Islands and Hawaii not including Oahu in compliance with the manufacturer, Too Corporation.

If you have any questions regarding this review please leave a comment or email us at: